Customer Success Story: Prince House Gallery

Customer Success Story: Prince House Gallery

Prince House Gallery has been established in 2016. The gallery focuses on photography, digital art and visual culture. Besides their physical showroom, the gallery is also actively pursuing innovative online formats. Right during the first Covid lock-down the gallery initiated a virtual art fair. With more than 80 artists displaying 800 pieces to more than 2000 visitors from 25 different countries it has not only been the first, but also so far the most successful virtual art fair all over Europe. Also very prominent is the virtual gallery - a close replication of the physical showroom where visitors can browse through the gallery's content and perhaps even meet one of the gallery's experts or even an artist.

One thing all the virtual formats have in common is the fact that they heavily rely on video content. The challenge that Johann Schulz-Sobez, Director of Prince House Gallery, faces is to present the pieces of art in a way that the focus is on the art itself and not on the video about it. That's why the team has deliberately decided to go for a modest approach for most videos. Using individual branding with the gallery's trailer and logo sparsely, the main focus is on photos of the piece of art. While showing these, one of the gallery's experts gives the viewers insights on the artist and some background information about the actual piece of art. Prince House Gallery uses to generate this kind of video review for all of their art pieces. This has become a standard procedure now, embedded in the gallery's 'onboarding' process for all new artists.

On specific occasions, such as Vernissages or Finissages, however, the gallery goes a little further than this. The gallery also uses videos to invite to these special events. However, it's not a 'one size fits all' approach. As the gallery has well established relationships with many partners and clients, their personal individual taste is also well known to the gallery. Thus, using the content that has been created through anyway, it's just a few clicks to generate individual invitations for these events. The individual invitations show a series of highlights on display tailored exactly to the recipients' taste and preferences. Through this tailored approach, Prince House Gallery has been able to vastly increase the number of participants during their events.

Thus, today the solution of is an essential part of Prince House Gallery's online endeavors. As the gallery's Director Johann Schulz-Sobez sums it up: 'Partnering with has been exactly the right decision. With the videos we create through, we are much more present online. And all this with practically no work from our side. The technology really takes over most of the tedious bits and pieces and leaves only the interesting parts for us.'

Visit the website of Prince House Gallery here.